Thursday, August 23, 2012

My first day of school

My first post…I know what you’re thinking it’s about time!

I started UF yesterday as a junior! To be completely honest I was scared to death, like always when I start something new. I guess there is something about change and the unknown that causes me to constantly doubt myself. I just have to keep reminding myself of what Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I happen to be very blessed in that I have most of the same classes as a friend of mine, Pete. He is defiantly more out goin than me and never meets a stranger!

The first day was a long one, I had one class with Pete, and then I was on my own for three hours. So I went to the Union and got some lunch. Of Course, just about every club was there to hand out information to get you to join. There was not much there that I was really interested in but a trio of girls gave me an orange piece of paper and said, “Come play rugby with us!” I know I was like What? RUGBY??? But instead I simply said, “I don’t think I’d be good at rugby” I could tell these girls weren’t the kind that gave up easily, when they started encouraging me to come out anyways, beginners were more than welcome. Well, needless to say, I’ve got the bright idea that maybe I need to give rugby a try, so Tuesday night I might just have to go see what it’s all about.J

Our Interim pastor, just so happened to be the head FCA guy at the university and has introduced me to several athletes. My favorites by far are two girls that run track and are twins. I have no doubt that God has brought us together, for they have been a true blessing. I texted one of the girls to see if they were busy today, and turns out she was available to come spend about an hour with me. We went to lunch and A. showed my around the campus and even took me on my first bus ride!

Although, I have to admit the highlight of my first day was passing Jonathon, a pitcher on the baseball team. Since February, I have become a huge baseball fan; I absolutely hate to miss a game and can tell you all kinds of stats on the players (you know for a girl that’s just started watching baseball)! So you should understand my excitement to be walking to class, and look over to see J. walking by. (If I must say I have noticed he is a very good looking young man) Needless to say, I double taked and plain out stared at him, which is embarrassing especially when he looks over and makes eye contact with me! Some things you just can’t help I reckon.

All I can really say about the day was it turned out alright, but most importantly I didn’t get lost! Today was much easier, and it turns out I’m getting excited about the next two years. I now feel like I can do this!



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